Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The end is near

So I guess here I am for the blogging world. Perhaps this will help me remember what goes on in my life since I tend to forget things quite easily.

Last night was eventful...wait, yesterday in itself was eventful. I planned to stay at home and study for my multiculturalism exam I had at 8 a.m. As you can tell by the word "planned" this did not happen. Instead I get a call at 10:30 a.m. stating that my son was running a temp of 102 degrees! I proceeded to drive to his daycare which is luckily only about 5 minutes away and pick up my poor child. I swear I think he faked it because as soon as we got home he was running around chasing the dog and saying "JUICE JUICE". The rest of the day was typical of what we do when he stays home, watched Noggin pretty much all day among all of the piggyback rides, snacks, puzzle making, and toy playing. My sickly child took a mere one hour nap where I got to read one of the six chapters I needed to study. Eventually my wonderful mother came home and tagged in as my relief. She took my Mister Mateohead to see GG (his great-grandmother) while I read two more chapters. Once they returned I got a nice warm hug and a kiss from my lil bozo head and my mother took his stinky butt to the bathroom to bathe him. Apparently my son is very particular as to who puts him to bed so after thirty minutes of him crying with my mom (I ate while she was trying to get to sleep) I came to the rescue to put the crybaby to sleep. After about thirty MORE minutes of trying to calm him down and rock him to sleep he was finally out. WHEW! Now it was time to study...laying in bed with my nose in my book was tons of fun. After about two hours my sickly child awakes coughing since he's been very congested and can barely breathe with all the mucus he has in him. I then move him to my bed so I can keep an eye on him while he sleeps. The rest of the night was pretty dull...just studying and reading till about 4:30 when I finally decided to call it a night only to wake up two hours later to my alarm going off. Ah the joys of college life with a sick two-year old... Well time to go to the Juvenile Detention Center for class! I'll have to try and remember to post here...hopefully I won't forget.